Prestigious Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS) closing soon!

📢 The Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS) is open for applications until 1 December 2022.  ⏰ Apply early to be considered! ⏰

The Fellowship provides an annual stipend of HK$325,000 (approximately US$41,700) and a conference and research-related travel allowance of HK$13,600 (approximately US$1,740) per year for each awardee for a period up to three years. In addition, awardees receive the HKUST Redbird Award (HK$40,000/Us$5,130 in the first year, HK$20,000 per year after dependent on continued academic performance)  For awardees who need more than three years to complete the PhD degree, additional support is provided for a 4th year funded by HKUST.

For more details on the HKPFS at HKUST see

HKPFS recipients can flexibly pursue their own research, but some potential topics in the Ocean Ecol Lab include:

  • Field and laboratory studies on the impacts of oceanographic forcing (especially internal waves) on the biogeochemistry and ecology of coastal ecosystems, especially coral reefs, including deep water (mesophotic) coral ecosystems, and in the context of Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER).
  • The trophic ecology of enigmatic marine species (e.g., whale sharks, manta rays), and the application of isotope tracers to understand distributions and behaviour.
  • Ecosystem restoration and ecological engineering, including applications of artificial upwelling to enhance and restore marine ecosystem services and aquaculture systems.


The University


HKUST is a world-class international research university dedicated to: (1) the advancement of science, technology and business, as well as humanities and social science; (2) education of the next generation of front runners, both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels; and, (3) making societal impact. The university promotes interdisciplinary studies, dedicated to educating well-rounded students with global vision, a strong entrepreneurial spirit and innovative thinking. It is one of the most international universities in Asia, with English as the language of teaching, research and administration. It was ranked 1st in the 2018 Times Higher Education Young University Ranking, 12th worldwide (1st in greater China) in the 2017 Global Employability University Ranking, and 32nd in the latest QS World University Rankings. It is the best young university in the world according to the Times Higher Education’s Young University Rankings 2019. Located in the Clear Water Bay area, HKUST’s campus has a magnificent ocean view and is also widely known as one of the most beautiful campuses in the world.  The Coastal Marine Laboratory provides running seawater facilities for experimental studies right on campus.

***Guaranteed university accommodation will be provided for the first 2 years of full-time research studies at HKUST***

***Opportunities exist to fund research placements with collaborators outside Hong Kong (2-6 months) via Overseas Research Awards***


Candidate Requirements


We are seeking ambitious and creative graduate students passionate about ocean science with strong scientific/engineering backgrounds and high-level writing and communication skills.  Preference will be given to candidates with a demonstrated background in marine science or oceanography, field research experience or scientific diving qualifications, and well-developed analytical laboratory skills. Candidates with experience performing seawater nutrient or stable isotope analyses are particularly encouraged to apply.

 Candidates MUST have:

  1. A bachelor’s degree (for M.Phil.), or, a master’s or bachelor’s with honours (for Ph.D.)
  2. High-level English abilities (e.g. undergraduate degree in English or TOEFL).
  3. The ability to participate in marine field work that may sometimes be physically demanding and in remote locations for extended periods.


Application Procedure


Potential candidates should send, as three (3) separate attachments, a copy of:

  • their CV (2 pages maximum)
  • a cover letter (2 pages maximum), outlining:
    • research interests in the context of the above research themes,
    • suitability for the role (refer explicitly to the requirements above), and
    • contact details for two (2) professional referees.
  • unofficial transcripts



Additional information is available on the web about the University, the Department of Ocean Science and the Ocean Ecol (Wyatt) Lab.

(Information provided by applicants will only be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes)