Congratulations to Gonzalo, our RGC Postdoctoral Fellowship awardee!

🎉 Congratulations 🎉 to lab member Gonzalo Pérez-Rosales on being awarded a 2024/25 Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) Postdoctoral Fellowship to continue working with us for the next three years.  Gonzalo Pérez-Rosales, Postdoctoral Scholar Fellowship: Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme (PDFS), Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong | Click for More →

Grant success: RGC General Research Fund

Dr Wyatt has been awarded a General Research Fund (GRF) grant by the Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong to explore diet variations in valuable marine species using tissue isotope analyses. Title: Individual- and species-level feeding specialisations and resource dependencies of valuable marine species | Click for More →

Grant success: RGC Early Career Scheme

Dr Wyatt has been awarded an Early Career Scheme (ECS) grant by the Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong to continue his exploration of internal waves over coral reefs, focusing on how internal-wave exposure influences the ecological structure and function of several of the | Click for More →

Grant success: KAKENHI Early-Career Scientist grant to Dr Wyatt

Dr Wyatt has been awarded an Early-Career Scientist (KAKENHI) grant by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) to clarify several mysteries surrounding the critically threatened whale shark. The research aims to quantify the global prevalence of foraging specialisation, fasting and herbivory, and | Click for More →

2018 Sumitomo Foundation grant awarded

The Sumitomo Foundation has awarded a 2018 Environmental Research Grant (環境研究助成) to support work by Dr Wyatt and colleagues aimed at experimentally demonstrating the role of internal waves in providing beaching relief to threatened reef corals. Title: Can internal wave-induced cooling save corals? Experimental verification of | Click for More →

Nissei Foundation grant to Dr Wyatt et al.

The Nissei Foundation has awarded Dr Wyatt and colleagues a Grant for Environmental Issues Research by Young Researchers, 環境問題研究助成 (若手研究): Title: Elucidating jungle-to-reef connections using state-of-the-art chemical tracers: Towards harmony between human activities and the pristine environments of Iriomote-jima, Japan | 最先端化学トレーサーによる亜熱帯林とサンゴ礁生態系のつながりの 解明:西表島の貴重な自然の保全と人間活動の調和に向けて Participants: Alex. S.J. Wyatt, Toshi Nagata, Yusuke | Click for More →

Sumitomo Foundation grant to Dr Wyatt et al.

The Sumitomo Foundation has awarded an Environmenal Research Grant (環境研究助成) to Dr Wyatt and colleagues for their pioneering work on the environmental drivers of the structure and function of ‘twilight reefs’ (deep-water mesophotic coral ecosystems). Title: A refuge for coral reef biodiversity: trophic function and | Click for More →