Prestigious Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS) closing soon!
📢 The Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS) is open for applications until 1 December 2022. ⏰ Apply early to be considered! ⏰ The Fellowship provides an annual stipend of HK$325,000 (approximately US$41,700) and a conference and research-related travel allowance of HK$13,600 (approximately US$1,740) per | Click for More →

Congratulations – MPhil Defense by Yu-De Pei
Congratulations to Yu-De Pei for passing his MPhil Defense with minor corrections today ⏭️ More updates to come on Yu-De’s next steps exploring trophic strategies of photosymbiotic corals over environmental gradients! Thank you to the Asian Future Leader Scholarship Program (AFLSP; from HKUST and Bai | Click for More →

New paper on feeding strategies of planktivorous fishes (Skinner et. al., Front. Ecol. Evol.)
Stable isotopes elucidate body-size and seasonal fluctuations in the feeding strategies of planktivorous fishes across a semi-enclosed tropical embayment Christina Skinner1, Yu-De Pei1, Naoko Morimoto2, Toshihiro Miyajima2, Alex S.J. Wyatt1,3 1Department of Ocean Science, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, | Click for More →

New paper on variations in coral reef fish trophic strategies (Cybulski et. al., Ecol. Evol.)
Improving stable isotope assessments of inter- and intra-species variation in coral reef fish trophic strategies Jonathon D. Cybulski1,2, Christina Skinner3, Zhongyue Wan2, Carmen K. M. Wong4, Robert J. Toonen5, Michelle R. Gaither6, Keryea Soong7, Alex S.J. Wyatt3, David M. Baker1,2 1The Swire Institute of Marine | Click for More →

Grant success: RGC General Research Fund
Dr Wyatt has been awarded a General Research Fund (GRF) grant by the Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong to explore diet variations in valuable marine species using tissue isotope analyses. Title: Individual- and species-level feeding specialisations and resource dependencies of valuable marine species | Click for More →

Congratulations – PhD Candidate Timothy King
Congratulations to new PhD Candidate Timothy King, who passed his Qualifying Exam today. ⏭️ More updates to come on Tim’s exciting work on the Biophysical drivers of carbonate chemistry and metabolism over coral reef ecosystems Thank you to the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS), | Click for More →

Congratulations to our latest HKPFS winner!
✨Congratulations✨ to lab member Josh Bennett-Williams on being selected for the 2022/23 Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme to support his continued studies with us at HKUST. Joshua Bennett-Williams, current M.Phil. student Scholarship: Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS), Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong | Click for More →

Postdoctoral Research Associate(s) in coral reef ecology and oceanography / isotope ecology
An opening is available for one or more outstanding postdoctoral researchers wishing to continue their research on coral reef ecology or oceanography, or isotope ecology, focusing on efforts to enhance understanding and stewardship of marine ecosystems and associated species. The successful candidate will be a | Click for More →

New paper on stable isotope biases in shark tissues (Bennett-Williams et. al., Front. Mar. Sci.)
A Multi-Tissue, Multi-Species Assessment of Lipid and Urea Stable Isotope Biases in Mesopredator Elasmobranchs Joshua Bennett-Williams1, Christina Skinner1, Alex S. Wyatt1,2, Rona A. R. McGill3 and Trevor J. Willis4 1Department of Ocean Science, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong | Click for More →

Congratulations – PhD Candidate Joseph Heard
🍾 Congratulations to new PhD Candidate Joseph Heard, who passed his Qualifying Exam today. 🎉 👀 Watch this space for updates on Joe’s exciting work on the Drivers of Mesophotic Fish Diversity within the Coral Triangle 👀 Thank you to the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship | Click for More →